Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Aubrey's First Chapter Book!

Written September 4, 2013

The words I've been waiting to hear: "Mom, can I read another chapter?"

It's like music to my ears!!!!  It's also another reminder for me that each child is different and develops in their own time.  I have been so concerned about Aubrey's reading. She wasn't enjoying reading (which made no sense to me because I couldn't get enough books as a child) and it just didn't seem to be clicking in her head.  To make matters worse, I did the one thing no mom is ever supposed to do...compare your child to another child!  I have two friends whose daughters are the same age as Aubrey (within 6 weeks) and they were both reading chapter books in the first grade!!!!  What?  Aubrey wasn't doing this, so naturally, I must be teaching her wrong!!!  Here comes my research for struggling readers (not that I would now, looking back, classify her as a struggling reader).

My plan of action was to go back to the easier books. I let her become proficient at reading those and then gradually introduce harder books to her.  As I introduced harder books to her, I let her become proficient at those books before moving along.  I also printed a little bingo reading program for her to follow to motivate her.  It's discouraging to try and get a child to read when they just don't enjoy it.  The bingo program worked better than I thought it would and before I knew it, she was asking me to read more so that she could get another bingo square. 

Another thing with Aubrey is that if something is hard, she tends to just want to give up.  By taking her back to the easier books, it gave her the confidence that she needed that she could read!

It's been about 3 months and I decided to give a chapter book a try.  I have noticed that she's finishing the level 3 and 4 reader books more quickly each time.  She's retaining the information that she's reading and she's really starting to actually enjoy reading.  It's no longer a hassle to get her to sit still for 15-20 minutes to read.

Looking back, I think that Aubrey just wasn't at the development level in her reading that I thought she should be, but she was right where she should have been according to God's plan!  I just have to keep reminding myself that every child is different and I have to adjust my expectations of them at times!

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