We are still working on Aubrey's listening. This is a daily challenge in my efforts to discipline her. Tonight, she got a "treat" of gummy life savers since she had a happy plate at dinner. I asked her three times to sit down at the table while she ate them. After getting up the
third time, I took her last gummy from her (after she very
hurriedly tried to put it in her mouth so I couldn't get it) and sent her to her room. She was terribly distraught that I took the gummy from her and she asked me if she could have it when she came out of her room. I told her that I was going to throw it away. At this, she threw herself on the floor crying and screaming! We never lack drama at our house. After she sat in her room for about five minutes, I told her she could come out. Of course, she asked me where her gummy was and I told her I had thrown it away, which I had. She burst into tears again and as she cried she told me, "Jesus would not like it that you took my gummy away from me!" So she wouldn't see me smiling, I just started hugging her and then explained, "Jesus does not like it when you don't listen to mommy!" I love that she references Jesus daily in her conversations with me even if it's while she crying her eyes out!

Our Friday night fun most often includes a dance off in the living room with Aubrey and Anna. Aubrey loves to get dressed in every piece of dress-up clothes that she has for the dance event. If we are lucky, she will also provide us with a great concert as the girls dance to the tunes on
Comcast! We also have some great video footage of our little dancers. I sometimes wonder where they come up with their moves....
Anna is still not really talking! Her

two favorite words are "Daddy" and "Hey." She is really starting to pick up on her sign language and would learn a lot more signs if I would just be consistent in signing to her. The signs she uses the most are more, please and no. We are working on thank you even though she has her own verbal version of thank you! I have to keep my eyes on her at all times or she's getting into something that she shouldn't be. As a climber, she has discovered how to climb the shelves in the pantry. I specifically put the gold fish on a higher shelf and I
found her the other day standing on the second shelf and reaching for the gold fish! Another time, she got the gold fish without me knowing. Once it got quiet, I knew I needed to start looking for her. She was sitting on the floor in the kitchen enjoying the snack she got for herself!
Sweet Alexandra is growing so fast!!! She will be 5 months tomorrow! I can't believe how quickly she is growing.

She has been rolling over both ways for a couple of months now and she tries her best to sit up on her own. She wants to be watching the action! She is definitely her mommy's girl! We spend so much time together and I feel like I've made a special bond with her much earlier than I did with Aubrey and Anna because they were in day care at this age. She's still sleeping in our room because I haven't taken Anna out of the crib yet. Anna is sleeping so well at night and I don't want to disrupt her good sleeping. I need at least one
child who sleeps good! Since Alexandra is still sleeping in our room, I think this has added to our bond because most nights she ends up in the bed with me while I nurse her. Danny can't believe it took the third child to become spoiled by sleeping in the bed with us! I know I need to put an end to this soon, but since this is my last child, I just feel like holding on a little tighter!
Some other recent pictures:
Anna and Aubrey sleeping together for the first time and
YaYa's house. I ended up getting in between them until they both fell asleep!

Our family!

At the Pumpkin Patch with mom and dad!
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