Anyway, Alexandra had a great appointment! She is 22.8 pounds and 32" tall. She is very quickly catching up with Anna! She is eating like a horse and isn't that picky with her foods (which they all were like this at this age and I'm just not going to kid myself because I know it will come to a screeching halt). She is talking up a storm and can even put three words together! I have no idea how many words she is actually saying because she says something new every day! She is talking non-stop and her favorite things to say are:
- Where my pappy (pacifier)?
- Where Daddy?
- Where Mommy? (I did get confirmation from Danny that she does actually say this. The reason I asked him was because every time I go to get her out of her crib, the first thing she says is "Where Daddy?" I finally asked Danny if she asked where I was when he gets her out of the crib? I just needed to feel her love!)
- Aubee
- Hey (followed by somebody's name...Aubee, mommy, daddy, MeMe, Poppy, YaYa, etc.)
- She's working on saying Anna's name, but it comes out as a very nasal sound long "e" followed by "nna"
- More
- No! (As she points her finger at you...which will have to come to a stop very soon!)
- Go! (As in go away - this is normally directed at one of her sisters!)
We have taken her pappy away from her during that day and the transition was much easier than I thought. Most days, she is very willing to drop her pappy back in her crib once I pick her up. Every once in a while, I'll see that she has gone into her room, reached in her crib and got a pappy. Once I see her, I will tell her to go put it back in her bed and she takes off in a run to put her pappy in her bed.
She can keep up with her older sister with no problems at all. They all love to play together (with the occasional girl fights, but we're working on that) and Aubrey especially loves pretending that she's Alexandra's little mommy!
Alexandra has the best little personality and keeps us cracking up with her facial expressions and her laugh!
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