Yes, there are dinosaurs at the zoo! No, they are not real!!! Our zoo currently has a dinosaur exhibit and although the dinosaurs are not real, they are very big, loud and real-looking! The girls were a little hesitant with some of them, but for the most part, they really enjoyed it! Now, I'm not going to be able to recall the correct names for the dinosaurs pictured below, so please feel free to make up your own!
This was the first dinosaur we saw. Anna and Alexandra were not going to take their eyes of of him to take a picture! |
Anna wanted to read the info on the dinosaurs, but she was very unsure of turning her back on this dinosaur for the picture! |
Baby dinosaurs hatching out of a ball of hay! |
Aubrey and the T-Rex! |
All of us with the T-Rex! Once again, Alexandra was not going to take her eyes off that dinosaur! |
Aubrey posing...she loves a camera! |
An inside look at how the dinosaurs work. Aubrey is making this dinosaur move by moving the control stick. |
Aubrey and Alexandra with the Komodo Dragon...he was real! |
This Komodo dragon is obviously not real! LOL! |
My pretty girl...even if she is posing with a giant lizard! |
One of her many "looks" that she's famous for. |
At this point, Aubrey was saying, "Mom take my picture with this swan." I've created a monster! |
Anna purposefully not looking at the camera. It's amazing how all of my girl's personalities are so different. |
I hope you weren't there at feeding time for the dragon. A little disturbing. :)