I know I say it every year and I will probably say it at each new age, but I can't believe I have a 7 year old!!!! A balloon fairy started visiting Aubrey during the night on the eve of her birthday many years ago and she is still going strong! All of the girls love to wake up to see what shenanigans the fairy has done with balloons on their birthday.
The traditional birthday breakfast in our house started out as cupcakes! Who doesn't love cupcakes for breakfast??? However, since I once again attempted to make a birthday cake for the second month in a row, my baking limits have pretty much been reached. So, we went with birthday pancakes this year!
Time for presents!

I asked Aubrey what kind of birthday cake she wanted this year and she said she wanted a Barbie cake like the one in the book at the Publix bakery. I didn't really want to pay $50 for the cake and since I was feeling a little confidence coming off of baking Anna's birthday cake in April, I decided I would just make her Barbie cake! Of course, I took to Pinterest. Can anything be done these days without consulting Pinterest first? I found several different versions and finally merged a couple of them to create my own. Aubrey loved it, so it was considered a success!
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