Thursday, November 1, 2012

Alexandra and Her Lost Fingernail!

I don't recall ever in my life seeing a finger without a fingernail.  Well, leave it up to Alexandra to show me!  My little accident prone child has done it again!  The first to have an ER visit and the first to lose a whole fingernail.  I'm sure there will be many more accidents and I just pray that the Lord keeps me cool, calm and collected through them all.

Last month, the girls asked Danny to build them a fort.  This is a regular request, but he decided to do it in an open space instead of in their room or over the living room furniture (it is football season and their shall not be any obstruction to the view of the TV at any time on a weekend)!  So to make the fort, he used the high bar stools (along with other things).  The fort was a hit and the girls spent most of the afternoon playing in it.  After they finally moved on to something else, Alexandra thought she would be helpful and take down the fort.  She started pulling on the blankets and before I knew it I heard screaming.  I ran over to her and one of the bar stools had fallen over and somehow landed right in her finger.  I'm thankful it didn't land on her head! 

She cried for quite a while and her fingernail looked a little purple but there was never any dark spots like bleeding under her nail.  She could move her finger so I knew it wasn't broken.  We put a bag of frozen peas on her finger and that seem to fix her right up!

Over the next several days and weeks, I noticed that her whole fingernail was turning white.  I mentioned to Danny and he casually said that she would probably lose her fingernail.  WHAT?  I have never seen a fingernail come completely off!  Granted, I'm the one in the marriage who has never had a broken bone, stitches (from an accident), or been to the ER.  Danny cannot make this claim at all!

Sure enough after another week or so, I could tell that it was starting to come loose and eventually the whole nail came off!  For the first few days, it was very sensitive to her and she kept telling me that it hurt, so we kept a bandaid and some neosporin on it. 

Now, it doesn't seem to bother her at all!  I have no idea how long it will take for it to grow back...but I hope it doesn't take too long! 

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