Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sleeping Beauties

It always amazes me how the girls can fall asleep sometimes. Today, Anna fell asleep in her highchair while eating lunch! Now, I'm sad to say this is not a first, but it has been a while since she's done this. I always snap a picture of them when they fall asleep in places other than their crib just because I think it's so cute. Here are a few of the different pictures I have snapped over time of the girls sleeping.
This is Anna sleeping in her highchair today. You know she's tired when she didn't even have her pappy in her mouth!

This picture was taken one morning around 7:45. Anna woke up a little after 5 a.m. and refused to go back to sleep, so she decided to take a quick nap before we left to take Aubrey to preschool.

This is how I found Aubrey one day in her bedroom. She got out of bed, crawled into the little sleeper that holds her stuffed animals, wrapped the curtain around her and make a comfy bed for herself!

Anna sleeping in her high chair again. This is definitely her second favorite place to sleep!

Yes, that's Aubrey under that book! At least she's in the bed!

Aubrey was in time out and I guess she decided to just sleep it out! I left her there and she slept like that on the floor for over an hour and a half!
Once again, Anna sleeping in her high chair!

Sleeping together in mommy and daddy's bed.

Aubrey and Matthew sleeping in the car on the way home from an exciting trip to the Georgia Aquarium.

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