Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Alexandra's First Bad BooBoo!

Alexandra has had many boo-boos, including a black eye.  She is a Britt girl and it's just going to happen and it's going to happen often.  However, I am so fortunate and blessed that we have not had a hospital visit, stitches, broken limbs, etc.  I really am not sure how I will react if something major does happen to one of the girls, but we will save that worrying for another day.  

I seriously thought we were headed for stitches when this last boo-boo happened.  Danny was in the kitchen cleaning up after dinner (I'm not sure if once again I'm very blessed to have a husband that helps me clean up or if I've just trained him very well in the last 8 years!  Ha!  I'm just kidding!  I'm definitely very blessed...I just couldn't help but insert a little humor!)  

Anyway...back to my story...Danny was cleaning in the kitchen, I was at the computer and all the girls were playing happily with each other!  Aubrey and Alexandra started running around after each other and before I knew it they were running around the dining room table.  The next thing I heard was a bump and Danny said, "There went somebody's head."  Sure enough, about 10 seconds later, (after the breath holding) the screaming started.  I scooped Alexandra up and all I saw on her face (and in her hair) was blood!  She had fallen and hit her head on the bottom corner of the china cabinet.

I flipped out!  I ran her into the kitchen, moved the hair away from her face and blood was just pouring out of the whole in her forehead!  I grabbed a kitchen towel and put pressure on it.  It took a good 3-4 minutes to get the bleeding to even slow down, but once it slowed down, I could see that it was not as bad as I thought it was.  It was a deep cut, but it was small.  She let me put a cold pack bag of frozen peas on her head and then she was good!  

She wouldn't really cooperate for a picture, so this is all I got!  It's been almost a month since this happened and she still has a little scar.  I'm hoping that it will go away!

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