Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Christmas Morning with the Britt Girls!

Christmas morning while all is still quiet....
actually this was taken on Christmas eve because I knew that once the girls woke up and saw all this goodness, it would not be a mess in about 2 seconds! 
I have to do a little bragging about the dollhouse.  It was FREE!  Yay!  
Throughout the year I cashed in my swagbucks 
(if you are interested in swagbucks, there's a button on my blog where you can sign up...for FREE) 
for Amazon gift cards.  By the first of December I had about $115 in Amazon gift cards.  
I patiently waited, the dollhouse went on sale for $90 (plus free shipping and no tax) 
and I snagged it...along with a few other great deals from Amazon!
I love this ABC book we got for the girls.  We have read it a lot since Christmas and learned many of the bible verses associated with each letter.  I also like it because there's an application story for each bible verse!  The girls also love their miniature princesses.
The girls actually woke us up on Christmas morning, 
so the minute I heard them stirring I shot out of the bed and grabbed the camera!  
Aubrey was on her bike before I knew it! 
Anna trying out her new scooter! 
I wasn't sure if she would get the hang of it at first, but she was a pro before we knew it!
Aubrey and Anna both got new dolls!  
I thought they were too young for AG dolls right now and didn't want to spend the money, 
so I got them Madame Alexander dolls from Amazon. 
Anna wanted her new doll to take a ride on her scooter!
Aubrey got her first hand-held game the Leapster Explorer.  
She's always playing with Davis' when the cousins come to visit, so now she has her own!  
She also got a Cinderella/Belle and Dora game to go with it!
Anna and Aubrey playing with the dollhouse.  
Since I'm a month (or a little more) late in posting this, 
I can tell you that the dollhouse has passed the one month test.  
It's been over a month and the girls still love playing with it!
Alexandra got a Baby Belle and high chair.  She thought she would try out Belle's bottle first!
Now, she thought she needed to try out the high chair as well!
Anna checking out her new magnetic number set....let's do some math!
It's Prince Eric!  We finally have a boy doll!
She's so happy to have Prince Eric!
We got a Princess Movie...this is always a cause for celebration in this house full of girls!
Aubrey got a new Fancy Nancy book!  
I love how they stop to enjoy each toy as they unwrap it...if only for a minute or two....most of the time!
Alexandra discovering the goodies in her stocking.  Every little girl needs a new set of forks, right?
Before anyone calls DFACS, the energy shots were left in my stocking, not Aubrey's.  I haven't figured out yet how to bottle her energy for my own consumption so until then...it's Red Bulls for me!  Danny actually got me these to try out.  They gave me a little energy, but not like a Red Bull...and they tasted HORRIBLE! 

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