Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Easter!

We had a great Easter this year...well, we always have a great Easter.  Easter is one of my very favorite holidays and it was so much fun talking to Aubrey about Easter and reading her all her Easter books about Jesus.  She's at the age where she is really starting to understand things and I didn't want to talk about Jesus' death too much because I don't want her to be afraid, but she really seemed to grasp the three year old version of Easter.  We were talking one day and I told her that yes, Jesus died on the cross, but he rose after three days and he now lived in Heaven with God.  She corrected me and told me that Jesus lived in her heart!  How can you argue with that?

The girls loved leaving their Easter baskets outside for the Easter bunny.  For once, Aubrey didn't argue about going to bed and she popped up the next morning to rush outside to find her Easter basket.  When I was a child, the Easter bunny always hid our baskets somewhere in the yard.  It's a fond memory of my childhood, so I thought I would do the same for my girls.  Obviously, I can't hide them too hard since they are so young (and I don't have a lot of hiding places), but the girls still got a kick out of the baskets being all over the yard!

The girls putting their Easter baskets out the night before Easter.

Anna found her basket sitting in the swing and
notice that she went straight for the chocolate. 
Danny said we could have filled their entire Easter
baskets with nothing but candy and they would have
thought it was the most wonderful thing ever.  He's right!

Aubrey found her basket in the tree and
she also went straight for the chocolate!

Alexandra found her basket on the picnic table! 
Since she didn't get any chocolate, she settled for her puffs!

As usual, Anna is not cooperating with a "sisters" picture. 
But the again, she doesn't cooperate with many pictures! 

Since it's just us here in Jacksonville for Easter and there is no way I can possibly pull off a huge lunch like my mom does every Easter (or really every Sunday), we started having an Easter picnic.  We started this tradition last year and the girls love it.  We go to a park straight after church, take pictures in our Easter outfits and then have a picnic and play. 

Of course, I have my camera in tow, so here are just a few of the many pictures I took:

Once again, trying to get a nice picture of all three girls is impossible. 

Here's the best I got!

Thank you, Alexandra, for looking at mommy with the camera! 
I seriously took about 50 pictures and this is one of the best I got!
Anna has now spotted the ducks headed our way and
refuses to take her eyes off of them!
Now they have all spotted the ducks!

Me and my girls...love them to pieces!

Photo time is officially over! 
This is where I also had a meltdown because this was
the only picture I got of Danny with all three girls!

On to the picnic:
Aubrey and Anna lounging on the blanket and eating apples!

Alexandra taking a picnic rest in her stroller. 
We put her in the stroller for the picnic because she would have
been all over the blanket and in everybody's
food if she had been free!

Alexandra and I sat on the bank of the pond and watched Aubrey and Anna feed the ducks our leftovers!

Anna...testing the waters!

Aubrey is getting to be such a big girl! 
She did this pose all by herself!

Running and having fun on our nature walk!

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