Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alexandra's 9 Month Check-up

Alexandra had her 9 month check-up on Monday.  She now weighs 17 lbs 2 oz (Aubrey weighed 19 lbs 14 oz and Anna weighed 19 lbs 8 oz at their 9 month check-ups) and is 26.5 inches long (Aubrey was 28.5 inches and Anna was 27 inches long at their 9 month check-ups).  It's funny how Aubrey was the largest child (although there was a time when Anna was 3-6 months that she did weigh more than Aubrey at that age), Anna is the second largest and Alexandra is the smallest.

Alexandra's hemoglobin level was border line low.  Dr. Connolly wasn't too concerned at this point, but he wants me to start feeding her meats, maybe some citrus (either food or a little orange juice), and he said I could always give her Poly-Vi-Sol, which is an iron supplement.  I gave her some oranges today and she loved them!  Next is to try her on meat.  I looked on the internet today to see how to prepare meat for babies and I think I'm going to cook chicken with broccoli and carrots for her.  We'll see how she likes it!  He plans on rechecking her hemoglobin at her 12 month appt.

As Dr. Connelly looked into Alexandra's ears, he also found infections in both!  I was shocked.  She hasn't been running a fever, hasn't been acting fussy, and hasn't been pulling at her ears.  It's one of those moments where as a mom, you feel like you really haven't been paying enough attention to recognize that your baby has double ear infections.  Dr. Connolly said that the ear infections probably started gradually while Alexandra was fighting her cold for the past two weeks and it's probably uncomfortable for her, but she has just grown used to the feeling so it doesn't bother her as much.  Poor baby!  She's now on antibiotics.

Other than that, she's perfect!

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