Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Outside Classroom

I know we are going to be spending a lot of time outside this spring and summer, so I want there to be plenty of things outside to entertain the girls.  We already had a small chalkboard outside, but I really wanted to do more with this idea.  So now we have three large, framed chalkboards outside! 

We aren't quite through with the third one and we are also planning on hanging another board (same size) to be our paint board.  The girls will be able to hang their papers on this board and paint away...and the mess will not be inside the house!

The chalkboards will be great as we play school and have an outside classroom for the girls! 

Now we just have to do some landscaping.  For the landscaping, my plans are to plant flower seeds (with the help of the girls), so that these flowers can be their flowers that they plant, water and watch them grow.  I think Aubrey will expecially enjoy this. 

We are so lucky to have such a handy husband and dad!  Look at the cute flowers he made to hang on the fence too!  The flowers are just particle board that was left over at one of his job sites and I painted them with paint we already had in the garage.  He also made a mud box for us to put our shoes in before coming in from outside.  It's made of particle board (which means it was free).  I've painted it and plan to put all of our footprints inside it.  I'm trying to get up the nerve to actaully do this with the girls.

Hopefully we can accomplish this...more pictures to come of all of our projects!

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